Session Program

Symposium Day 1: 17 June 2024

Session 1: Physical, Numerical & Hybrid Modeling I

Chairperson: Prof. Brian Crookston, Utah State University (USA)

Room: HCI G3

Session 2: Energy Dissipation

Chairperson: Dr. Daniel Valero, Imperial College (UK)

Room: HCI G7

Flash talk for poster session 1

Chairperson: Prof. Stefan Felder, UNSW (Australia)

Room: HCI G3

Session 3: Physical, Numerical & Hybrid Modeling II

Chairperson: Prof. Stefan Felder, UNSW (Australia)

Room: HCI G3

Session 4: Regulation Structures I

Chairperson: Dr. Sean Mulligan, VorTech Water Solutions Ltd (Ireland)

Room: HCI G7

Session 5: Physical, Numerical & Hybrid Modeling III

Chairperson: Dr. Sébastien Erpicum, Liege University – HECE (Belgium)

Room: HCI G3

Session 6: Environmental and Ecological Impacts

Chairperson: Prof. Zulfequar Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (India)

Room: HCI G7

Lab tour: Physical model demonstration

Physical model demonstration

Symposium Day 2: 18 June 2024

Flash talk for poster session 2

Chairperson: Dr. David Vetsch, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Room: HCI G3

Session 7: Physical, Numerical & Hybrid Modeling IV

Chairperson: Dr. David Vetsch, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Room: HCI G3

Session 8: Regulation Structures II

Chairperson: Prof. Mario Oertel, Helmut-Schmidt-University (Germany)

Room: HCI G7

Session 9: Prototype measurements & Aerated high-speed flows

Chairperson: Prof. Valentin Heller, University of Nottingham

Room: HCI G3

Session 10: Fish Downstream Passage

Chairperson: Dr. Ismail Albayrak, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Room: HCI G7

Flash talk for poster session 3

Chairperson: Prof. Fabian Bombardelli, UC Davis (USA)

Room: HCI G3

Session 11: Physical, Numerical & Hybrid Modeling V

Chairperson: Prof. Fabian Bombardelli, UC Davis (USA)

Room: HCI G3

Session 12: Large wood risk assessment and management & Sediment management techniques

Chairperson: Dr. Isabella Schalko, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (Switzerland)

Room: HCI G7

Session 13: Best Practices in Risk Management

Chairperson: Dr. Volker Weitbrecht, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Room: HCI G3

Session 14: Fish Upstream Passage

Chairperson: Prof. Elena Pummer, NTNU (Norway)

Room: HCI G7

9th IJREWHS: 20 June 2024

Session 1: Weirs and Spillways I

Room: HCI H2.1

Session 2: Numerical Modelling and Hydropower

Room: HCI H8.1

Session 3: Weirs and Spillways II

Room: HCI H2.1

Session 4: Continuity I: Debris & sediment

Room: HCI H8.1

Session 5: Multiphase Flow

Room: HCI H2.1

Session 6: Continuity II: Fish and Floods

Room: HCI H8.1

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