Regulation Structures
- Dams and weirs
- Spillways
- Ship locks
- Gates and valves
- Intakes and outlets
Flow Conveyance Structures
- Canals and river training structures
- High-head penstocks
- Surge tanks
Energy Dissipation
- Stilling basins
- Stepped spillways
- Jets and plunge pools
Physical, Numerical & Hybrid Modeling
- Instrumentation
- Scale effects
- Validation and verification
Prototype Measurements
- Case studies
- Instrumentation
- Design optimization and retrofits
Environmental and Ecological Impacts
- Gas transfer
- Stratification
- Turbidity currents
- Scour
- Riverbed stabilization
Best Practices in Risk Management
- Dam safety and rehabilitation
- Risk and hazard assessment
- Debris management structures
- Sustainable design
- Adaptation to climate change
Coastal Structures and Waves
Special Sessions
- Fish passage
- Sediment management techniques
- Aerated high-speed flows and design of low-level dam outlets
- Large wood risk assessment and management